Gatsby gives Daisy an emerald-stone ring, but Daisy refused to take the ring because she was afraid that Tom would find it. The ring Gatsby gives to Daisy symbolizes the love Gatsby has for Daisy, but the insufficient love Daisy has for Gatsby.
Gatsby dies with the ring in his hand with the hope that Daisy would come back to him. Daisy never planned to go with Gatsby, but the ring symbolizes Gatsby’s patient wait for Daisy to respond to his love.
Like the ring that represents Gatsby’s hope for his dream of being with Daisy, Society clings on to people, objects, and ideas with the hope that their American dream will come alive. Similar to Gatsby, they work so hard to make their goals into reality and make their own destiny.
Gaby and Sarah
Gatsby dies with the ring in his hand with the hope that Daisy would come back to him. Daisy never planned to go with Gatsby, but the ring symbolizes Gatsby’s patient wait for Daisy to respond to his love.
Like the ring that represents Gatsby’s hope for his dream of being with Daisy, Society clings on to people, objects, and ideas with the hope that their American dream will come alive. Similar to Gatsby, they work so hard to make their goals into reality and make their own destiny.
Gaby and Sarah
i never thought the ring could have represented society and nice work on interpreting the american dream into your awnser
I agree on what they say because it does show how Gatsby is willing to wait for someone he sees the "green light"
-Eveli 6th
good work on analyzing the interpretation of the "American Dream"
good work on analyzing the interpretation of the "American Dream"
good work on analyzing the interpretation on the "American Dream"
Joey G. P.6
I think this goes back to what the color green means. I think the emerald stone and the green light at the end of the dock represents the love Gatsby has for Daisy.
Selby 6th
Does the emerald(green)ring and the green light have something in common? Why does the book refers green color often. diamond is the most beautiful and expensive stone. I think Gatz wanted to show Daisy how rich he is. In 3rd para you say the ring represent Gatsby's hope or is it the color of the ring which represent Gatsby's hope?
Jisna S. 6th
i agree with your blog but i thought it was sad how Gatsby loved Daisy so much and yet things didnt work out like he had dreamed
:( Jamie 8th
Gatsby is a pathetic old sap who should have moved on, she wasnt worth his time. All she wanted was his attention and he wanted her love, I like how it was interpreted! Yet I dont agree so much on the idea of it representing the American Dream because in the end he dies with nothing but a cold ring, so thus saying the American Dream can not be attained.
Ginger G. 8th
Green is a common symbol throughout the novel. The light at the dock, and the ring. I agree that the ring is a symbol of Gatsby's devotion and affection for Daisy, as well as a symbol of her rejection of him. The fact that he died with the ring in his hand showed his loyalty and faith in Daisy, although he never showed the same for him.
-Dan P.
I agree with Ginger. How the ring doesn't express the American dream. I dont know if the novel expresses the American Dream in the ways I believe it exists. I believe that he should have left Daisy out of the picture, since she obviously moved on and that if he did he would've given himself a greater chance at achieving happiness.
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