Monday, April 2, 2007

Gatsby's parties - Edd and Javier

Symbol: Gatsby’s Parties

Meaning: Gatsby’s parties are a symbol of how wealthy he is. It also shows how much respect he gets with his parties. Servants and maids come to Gatsby’s house to get prepared for the party the weekend before the weekend of the party. Gatsby’s parties are also invitation only.

Quotes: “I went to Gatsby's house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited....I had been actually invited.” (pg 45). This quote shows the superior or the power that Gatsby had. That his parties were mainly invitation only and only a few people got those invitations.

"Every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruitier in New York - every Monday there same oranges and lemons.”(pg 43). The quote shows that Gatsby prepared for his party almost immediately after he had finished another party.

Names: Javier and Edd

Work Cited:

Work Cited

"Egg(Food)." Wikipedia. 22 Mar. 2007 .

"The Great Gatsby." Sparknotes. 22 Mar. 2007 .

"East Egg and West Egg." Podunk. 22 Mar. 2007 .


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The Parties that Gatsby throws represent his wealth really well.Because a party requires alot of money and popularity and with money comes popularity which is what gatsby has.

Anonymous said...

Gatsby's parties were a great way to socialize but he threw them for the wrong reasons.

-David G.

Anonymous said...

Good connection between Gatsby's power and his parties but I'm still confused with the invitations. If the person quoted was "one of the few guests who had actually been invited" doesn't that mean the other guests weren't invited?


Anonymous said...

i think that the parties Gatsby throws are also a representation of his lonliness because the one person he still oves is not in his life..YET!

Anonymous said...

to me the parties are a symbol of how rich Gatsby is and it also proves how money can change you

Sarah 6th period

Anonymous said...

Very good. I like how you wrote it. Gatsby is very wealthy, and to show it off, he has very big and lavish parties.

Selby 6th

Anonymous said...

The representation actually submits to Nick Carroway that he is of importance and he is gonna play a big role in the oncoming events in Gatsbys life. Ray 6th